SIMAL, a company of the IQE group, works on the improvement and innovation of its product portfolio and establishes a collaboration with the TEKNIKER Foundation in a project for Aluminum Silicate Enhancement. This initiative has been financed by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia within the Technological Checks 2021 Program and is co-financed by the ERDF.
La Fundación TEKNIKER es un centro tecnológico especializado en Fabricación Avanzada, Ingeniería de Superficies, Ingeniería de Producto y TICs para fabricación, cuyo objetivo es aportar crecimiento y bienestar a través de la I+D+i al conjunto de la sociedad, contribuyendo de manera sostenible a la competitividad del tejido empresarial.
At IQE we have different products that adapt to the needs of the market to offer quality solutions.